Local Bitcoin events
Local Bitcoin meetups and events taking place all around Southern Africa.
In person meetups are the cornerstone of the grassroots Bitcoin movement. Nothing beats meeting like minded people in person. Find your nearest Bitcoin meetup, or start your own and let us know about it!
Cape Town
A monthly meetup which takes place on the first Thursday of the month at Tigers Milk, Century City. Check the Twitter profile (in the link above) for updates.
A monthly meetup which takes place on the second Thursday of the month at in Stellenbosch, the venue may vary, so check the Twitter profile (in the link above) for updates.
Bitcoin Ubuntu hosts regular weekly meetups in Swellendam on Friday's at the Swellendam Spurs soccer grounds. Join their Whatsapp group or follow them on Twitter to find out more about the schedule and location.
Ad hoc meetup, check the Twitter profile (in the link above) for updates.
Adopting Bitcoin Cape Town
Unleash the Future:
Bitcoin, Self-Sovereignty, and Parallel Institutions.
Join experts, advocates, and innovators from around the world at this extraordinary event in sunny Cape Town, South Africa from the 26th - 28th of January 2024. Cape Town's first major Bitcoin conference! Get your tickets today!